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The 16th Mental Health Month of college students in Northeast Dianli University is about to start
2022-05-03 23:22  

    为认真贯彻习近平总书记重要批示精神,Strictly implement the deployment requirements of the provincial epidemic prevention and control leading group,Strengthen students' psychological guidance and humanistic care,Enhance the ability to understand and regulate adverse reactions under the epidemic situation,Actively guide students to take the initiative to deal with the current study and life with self-esteem, self-confidence, rational peace, positive and healthy attitude,Improve students' psychological quality,Protect students' mental health,Upon study,The 16th College Student Mental Health Month activity was carried out in the university。

   I. Activity theme

   Concentric warfareThe epidemic blooms toward the sun

    Second, the object of activity

   The whole school

    3. Activity time

    May 2022 - June 2022

    Iv. Content and arrangement of activities

    (1) Happy heart shadow movement• Online viewing activities

    1.Active time

    May 5 - May 7

    2.Activity content

    In order to further popularize mental health knowledge, help students build a platform for relaxation and stress reduction, interactive communication, and perceive colors in light and shadow, the Mental Health Education and counseling Service Center will pass the Tencent conferenceThe APP platform launched an online movie viewing activity for all students on May 5。Join QQ group (834570868) For details。

    3.Activity requirement

    Viewing photo+ Comments should be submitted to the mailbox in the form of Word document before May 73116881874@qq.comThe work is named "College - Class - Name"。

    4.Award setting

    Mental health education and counseling service center will select a number of excellent impressions according to the quantity and quality of impressions;Some excellent impressions are exhibited on the wechat public platform of Dongdian Psychology;Students will be awarded points for conduct (the exact points will be determined by each school).。

  (2) Learning from the heart• The 8th Mental Knowledge Contest

    1.Active time


    2.Competition content

    A healthy mind needs psychological knowledge to protect it。In order to enrich students' living and sleeping life, improve their psychological adjustment ability, and promote learning through competition, the Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center will carry out the 8th Psychological Knowledge Competition for students in the whole school。加入QQ Group (417852083) For details。

    3.Game flow

  (1) The content of the competition is divided into two parts: psychological general knowledge basic questions and physical and mental relaxation methods. The types of questions include single choice questions and indefinite choice questions。Students can prepare for the competition according to the question bank issued in advance by the psychological center。

  (2) Take the questionnaire star mini program to answer the question, the answer time is 30 minutes, the result will be announced within one week after the competition。

  4.Award setting

This competition has three first prizes, five second prizes and ten third prizes;The result of the competition isStudents with scores of 90 and above will receive bonus points for conduct (the specific score is determined by each school)。

   (3) Keep in mind"Epidemic" • Video clip competition

    1.Active time

    May 5 - May 15

    2.Competition content

    In order to let the students see their growth and harvest during the isolation life, record this unforgettable resistanceDuring the "epidemic" time, the Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Ministry of Education and Work will carry out a video clip competition of "The end of the epidemic can be expected in spring, and the flower season is waiting for you to come"。You can try to record the beauty of the moment through video clips, heal life with warmth, show the most confident and the most beautiful yourself in the life of the epidemic, and leave the most precious youth memories for your growth。

    3.Competition requirement

  (1) The works focus on the theme of anti-epidemic, and the content is positive, healthy and upward。

  (2) The works must be original, no logo watermark, and the contributors must confirm that they have the legal right to create the works。

  (3) Students can form their own group (no more than 3 people) to participate together。

  (4) The duration of the work must not exceed 5 minutes, and the format must be MP4。

  (5) The entries should be sent to 1723384860@qq before 17:00 May, the work is named "work name - name - class - contact information"。

   4.Award setting

   Mental Health Education and counseling Service Center will select a number of excellent works according to the quantity and quality of works;Some excellent works are exhibited on the wechat public platform of Dongdian Psychology;Students will be awarded points for conduct (the exact points will be determined by each school).。

  (4) Be comfortable with yourself•525 Mental Health Day activities

    1.Active time

    May 5 - May 20

    2.Activity purpose

    Love me, love others, love the little things in life。Although the epidemic has not receded, every moment of life is worthy of our love。In order to cultivate the positive and tenacious character of college students and guide students to take practical actions and self-discipline,The Department of mental health education and counseling service center will be launched"Self-discipline, harvest growth" activity。

    3.Activity content

    Your own beauty is hidden in your daily efforts。Taking advantage of the beautiful time of spring and summer, students can find one or two tasks that are difficult to complete or things that they have always wanted to do but have been unable to act。Make yourself a plan and carry it out。For example: adhere to fitness, healthy weight loss, get up early every day to recite words, read books10, learn a new skill, etc., as long as you used to find it difficult to do things, now please resolve to do。Life is more beautiful because of the effort to move forward。On the road of growth, everyone is living bravely, recording every moment of progress in his life, and giving himself a big hug who loves life。

   4.Activity requirement

  (1) From May 5th, you can start to carry out your plan, at the end of 15 days, please put yourself"Self-discipline, harvest growthWrite down the story (how to do, how to overcome, what you feel) and submit it as a Word document to 623208488@qq before May

  (2) The content of the works submitted is true, positive and has positive energy, and it should be equipped with pictures that fit the theme of the story and show their wonderful life during the epidemic。

   5.Award setting

   Mental Health Education and counseling Service Center will select a number of excellent works according to the quantity and quality of works;Some excellent works are exhibited on the wechat public platform of Dongdian Psychology;Students will be awarded points for conduct (the exact points will be determined by each school).。

  5. Fly with confidence• "Looking back in the past, recalling TEPCO" graduation season series collection activities

    1.Active time

    May 10 - May 25

    2.Activity content

  (1) "Schoolmates love, paper short love long" message board solicitation。Graduation is approaching, do you have a lot of unspoken words want to express to your Alma mater, to your teachers, to your classmates?Come and leave your feelings: it can be the perception of campus life, it can be the missing of classmates, or it is their regrets and so on。A message is a precious memory. Come and make your own memories for this special graduation season。

  (2) "Light memory, the most beautiful moment" photo collection。Ask the graduates to collect the most memorable photo, and share the story or memory contained in the photo。It can be the beautiful food of Tepco, the cute pets on campus, the community activities, the impressive teachers and courses, the unforgettable moment of the epidemic, the job search experience and so on。As long as it is a light or story that can carry the unforgettable experience of the university, we look forward to you sharing it with us。

  (3) "Psychological express, slow mail time" letter collection。For the future,People have different expectations,Some students want to be selfless teachers;Some students want to become soldiers to protect the country;Some students are doing their favorite jobs,Silently dedicated;Some students are looking forward to reuniting at TEPCO once they leave campus...If you have something you want to say to your future self,Let us write in our hearts,Write a letter,To my future self,About dreams, life, career, or love,As long as you have a fancy idea,Just submit it,May we be in an unknown world,Meet your dreams come true!

    3.Activity requirement

    The above call for entries is available atPlease send it as a Word document to 623208488@qq before May 25.comExcellent works will be exhibited on the public platform of Dongdian Psychology wechat。

  (6) Spiritual creation• Screenwriting competition

    1.Active time

    May 20 - June 10

    2.Competition requirement

    It can be written individually or by a team。Team creation is limited to less than four people and requires a person in charge. The team is not limited to classes, grades or colleges;Electronic version of the script is available atSend to the designated email address before June

    3.Script requirement

  (1) The genre is not limited, and the title is self-drafted。The content of the script should be positive,Close to college students study, life reality,Such as around this special period of college students in interpersonal communication, academic employment, Internet dependence, emotional entanglements, economic burden, life adaptation encountered psychological conflicts, troubles and confusion, as well as the heart-warming stories during the epidemic to help others。

  (2) The script creation of psychological drama should be meaningful, bright spots, distinctive characterization characteristics, and infectious storyline。

  (3) The script written shall not infringe on the copyright of others and ensure the originality of the script。

    4.Scoring standard

    主题20 points: the theme is clear, novel, educational and enlightening;Content 50 points: can fully express the theme, the content is positive, healthy and upward;Plot 30 points: The story is rich and vivid, which can reflect the characteristics of campus psychological drama, and can flexibly use psychological drama creation techniques。

  5.Award setting

  The Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center will select the works based on the quantity and quality of the worksSeveral "excellent psychological scripts";The winning screenplay will be written by an individual or team writer and will receive 0 per person.5 credits for extracurricular practice。

  (7) Comfort lecture hall• Peer psychology micro-class competition

    1.Active time

    May 25 - June 15

     2.Activity purpose

    Mental health is a required course for everyone, but life will always present a variety of difficulties, in the face of difficulties, how will you solve?In order to further promote the skills of peer publicity and popularization of mental health knowledge, and improve the ability of peer psychological mutual assistance of college students, the Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center will carry out peer psychological micro-class competition for all students。

    3.Activity content

  Participants designed their own psychological knowledge courseware and presented it in the form of a five-minute micro-lesson, which mainly examined participants' ability to popularize and explain psychological knowledge。

    4.Activity requirement

  (1) Video file, the format is MP4, the duration is not more than 5 minutes, the picture quality is clear, the sound is clear, with subtitles, the video does not add watermark, must be accompanied by the introduction of the work (300 words or less)。

  (2) The content can be combined with the mental health characteristics of college students during the epidemic period, and face the psychological distress of current college students, which can provide inspiration for the mental health growth of college students。The content must be healthy and positive, and related to college students' mental health knowledge。

  (3) The entries should be sent to 1723384860@qq before 17:00 June, the work is named "work name - name - class - contact information"。

    5.Award setting

    Mental Health Education and counseling Service Center will select a number of excellent works according to the quantity and quality of works;Some excellent works are exhibited on the wechat public platform of Dongdian Psychology;Students will be awarded points for conduct (the exact points will be determined by each school).。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012